
Do you want to enter the Chinese market and have limited resources? In such cases, e-commerce in China offers a good opportunity to gain a foothold in the market and generate your first sales. Using the data analysis from e-commerce, you will get to know Chinese consumers and gain experience specifically for the Chinese market. This provides a sound basis for product development and marketing concepts.


There are several e-commerce platforms in China, such as Tmall, JD, 小红书etc. With our support, you will find out which platform is exactly right for you.

We support you in the implementation of your flagship store on the e-commerce platforms and provide you with analyses and key performance indicators. Please contact us.


Since the Chinese state still controls the use of the Internet, the Internet in China can almost be regarded as an "intranet", because Western media such as Google, Facebook, Youtube, etc. are largely blocked in China. In order to reach the broad Chinese public, it is necessary to know the Chinese counterparts and to use them.

The most important digital media in China

Taobao (淘宝)
Tmall (天猫)
JD (京东)
Weipinhui (唯品会)
rotes Buch (小红书)
Pinduoduo (拼多多)
Yangmatou (洋码头)
Miya (蜜芽)

Search engines

Baidu (百度)
Sougou (搜狗)
360 Sousuo (360 搜搜)
Zhihu (知乎)

Social Media

Wechat (微信)
Weibo (微博)
Youku (优酷)
Aiqiyi (爱奇艺)
Kwai (快手)
Tik Tok (抖音)

As the Chinese media landscape is very diverse and the media landscape is constantly changing, we are able to develop tailor-made China marketing strategies for our clients due to our proximity to the Chinese market. We can also competently support our clients in the implementation of the strategy and plan and accompany the international marketing campaign.